Publication Details

Special Alert: CalOSHA Revokes Recent Emergency Standard Changes from June 3rd, Plans for Updates During Board Meeting on June 17

In a late night meeting on June 8, 2022, CalOSHA withdrew its June 3rd revisions to its COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standards (ETS), which we alerted everyone to this past Monday. This implies the former ETS (without regard to vaccinated individuals and adopted in November 2020) will remain in effect until the Board has another chance to revise the ETS at its next meeting on June 17, to be effective June 28th.

Board members expressed an interest in aligning with both the Centers for Disease Control and California Department of Public Health (CDPH) guidelines related to vaccinated people not needing to wear face coverings in most circumstances.  Board members also stated that the majority of the June 3 Standards will likely remain as drafted, other than those related to fully vaccinated individuals, although that remains to be seen.

Please stay tuned and understand that California employers must continue to follow the current Standards, despite CDPH changes to face covering guidance going into effect on June 15.