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Robert Shields Received DRI Lifetime Community Service Award

San Diego Attorney Journal

Wilson Turner Kosmo LLP is pleased to announce that partner Robert Shields has received the DRI Lifetime Community Service Award. DRI is the largest international membership organization of attorneys defending the interests of business and individuals in civil litigation. The organization’s Lifetime Community Service Award recognizes a member whose unselfish activities in the community have demonstrated active and outstanding commitment to the improvement of the social and cultural wellbeing of the general public.

Shields received the honor based on his efforts with A Night to Remember, a non-profit organization he founded in 2011 with his wife, Cheryl. A Night to Remember is a San Diego County prom for high school students with special needs, including autism, down syndrome, cerebral palsy and other physical challenges. Shields was also recognized for his involvement with DRI’s Public Service Committee and pro bono program. As chair of the Public Service Committee for the past three years, Shields developed the “GIVE ONE” campaign, a service project that embraces the idea that every DRI member can give “one” of something. Whether it be one pair of shoes to a homeless person or one backpack to a disadvantaged student, the commitment to “GIVE ONE” of anything is small, but collectively “GIVE ONE” donations grow into something significant.